Make a puppy reservation

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  • Make a puppy reservation

To Reserve a Puppy Follow the steps Below

Step 1

To Place a Reservation for a Puppy Please Message us by either a text, a call, FB page private message on Business Page, or Message us on here from bottom of Home Page.

Include the Following Information:

Your Reservation Application Information:

Before accepting a puppy reservation we ask that you share as much information about the below topics as you wish.   This helps us make sure that our puppies are only going out to good homes.

Which upcoming litter you are hoping to join

Your Home Location / State

Professions and ages of main adults in home Wife / Husband / Fiancé / Partner / ect… 

Type of Home, and Yard, or Apartment, and No Yard

Things that you, and your family like to do in your spare time, and for hobbies ect…

Any kids in home, and ages:

Any Special Needs?

Any Elderly in home, and ages:

Any Special Needs?

Any Pets in home Species / Breed / Ages / Temperaments:

Any Special Needs?

Any Past Experience with having, and caring for an OES?  How long did you have them, and how long did they live?

Any Experience with grooming a long hair double coated dog?

Are you willing to crate train your puppy for at least the 1st 6-8 months of life.   To keep them safe in home while alone, and to keep them safe in middle of the night while everyone is asleep.  To make sure they are comfortable, and prepared for any overnight Veterinarian Stays, and any kennel boarding stays?

Are you willing to take the puppy through training classes to make sure they are the most well behaved, and confident dog?   We suggest at the very least puppy kindergarten, and Basic Obedience.

Are you willing to promptly hire a personal dog trainer to meet with you, and teach you how to quickly fix, and change any bad behavior issues that might crop up?   If these issues are allowed to keep going, then you likely will not want to keep your puppy as they get older, and it is too late to correct the behavior issue. 

Desires and Dreams for your new puppy?  

Will they be a Pet only?  

Do you have a desire to train them in a specialty like agility, or Therapy / Service Dog work? 

Type of Lifestyle you lead with your dogs?


Adventurous take your dog everywhere, always up for a new experience with your dog? 

More Homebodies, will take dog into stores, and new places to socialize them, but you really prefer to be around home most of the time?

Does your family have any big changes coming up like a move across country, the addition of a new in house family member, are you planning to bring in another puppy or pet soon? 

What are your family dynamics of the family members that live in the home?  This question helps us know what direction you might want to go in puppy picking when the time comes……  After temperament and personality testing we give you our top 3 choices of pups for your family and then you pick your puppy.  You do not need to go with one of our top 3 picks we just give you an idea which pups would likely work best for your family needs. 

How did you become interested in the OES breed?

What questions do you have about the OES breed? 

Step #2

After you have been accepted by us, and have confirmation that you are approved to become a new puppy home, and which litter/ sex/ tail choice that you are planning on.

Now it is time to make your Reservation Fee Payment.   We only hold your picking order and litter guarantee spot for 12 hours.   After granting approval to join the litter, if Reservation Fee has not arrived, after 12 hours.   We will let the next people interested, or the next person waiting in line know that that picking order spot is open again.   They will be allowed to reserve that spot at any point after 12 hours of no reservation fee arrived.

We accept payments in 4 ways:

Venmo App – 

This is currently the only way we are taking payments because it is the only option where customers can pay and receive zero fees added.   Unless you have time to send a personal check and have it clear before due date, or have us run a credit card manually.  We can still do those things, but we are not allowing website or good dog payments currently.  Due to the fact that the fees they add on had just gotten too high for our customers in our opinion! 

On the Web site – Currently not an option Fees were getting too high for customers

Go Daddy charges 2.3% plus one dollar for web site payments.   That comes to a total of $59.89 to be added onto middle payment. 

The Good Dog App under our Good Dog Preferred Breeder Page:   Currently not an option Fees had gone up to 10% and were just too high for customers

Good Dog has 2 potential fees – 

1st Possible Fee:

Bank transfer payments do not get charged a fee, but Credit Card payments do.

2nd Possible Fee:

There is a Money Back Gurantee, and 24 hour helpline for training, behavior issues, ect… They grant you access to the helpline and money back guarantee for a $50 fee.  You have the option to opt out of this fee, and most people do. 

Personal Checks – 

We do accept personal checks, but only if they arrive 2 weeks prior to when payment is due.   This is so that we can make sure it clears the bank before it needs to be used. 

Manually charging a Credit Card with Intuit or Quick Books – 

We can take a credit card number, and info and process it through the trusted banking app, but they do charge 3% to process payments manually.   So that fee is added on to payment total. 

Step 3

Once we have received your Reservation Fee payment.   

We will then send screen shots immediately, for whatever way you choose to send it.  

This is your Proof of Payment.

Then usually within 1-14 days we write up, and send you your formal receipt which includes:

-Desired Puppy Gender and Tail choice.

-Puppy picking order in your litter of choice.

-Likely Parents, and planned timing of litter of choice.

-When payments are due, and what amounts are due each payment.

-How much you have paid so far, and what is still due.

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